Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I don't know whenn its going to heppen, when life's going to turn and confront you... when death will confront you.
Can you keep your focus and your calm when the apocolypse starts raining down from the sky?
At any moment it can mean your life, it can mean someone else's life.
Will you be ready?
Can you reach into your spirit and find that strength that demands you to choose to fight?
Can you define life? death? without having had that expereince?
When the the time comes will you be focused? will you be calm? will you will your fight?
Death, is inevitable, surviving life is optional, living life is not gauranteed.
So when that moment in life call upon your strength, your spirit..
can you reach deep enough inside to face life, face death, look them square in the eye and say
"I'll let you take me, but only on my terms"

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