Wednesday, January 17, 2007

the world is my apple I jsut have to eat it.

I will live in a great loft with large windows, in a fabulous location, exposed brick walls, lots of space, grand ceilings, wood or lamnet floors.
I will have a lovely country home. cosy but with a grand library, fitness facility or sauna, steam room, indoor pool whirlpool and woodfloors and high ceilings.
I will be able to live off my art. My art change how people think, it will make an impact. My art will be valuable to mankind.
I will beable to care for my parents.
I will love and be loved sincerly and truthfully.
I will be accomplished in Kendo. I will make my sensei proud. I will suceed.
I will be fit. I am lovely.
I will be healthy, happy and carefree. I will live long and well.
I must have faith in it.
The things I want in life as I now realize. I can have now.
This is my messsge to the universe, this is my shopping list.
I now entrust the world to manifest my heart's creations.
I will continue to live as I should and head towards these goals.
The pieces will all fit together as they should.

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