Thursday, December 4, 2008


caught in a chasm
or so i think

take look and I'm already free falling

never tried, didn't think

maybe never learned to dream

Monday, December 1, 2008

this is everything

so here I am. this is me

bring your strength
bring your weakness

bring your hope
bring your despair

bring your courage
bring your fear

in this next moment my soul is on trial
so tell me what its worth.
you might hear me in all this noise, if you realize there is nothing there.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

are we there yet?

is this what burning feels like?

it starts all over again when we rise from the ashes.

we don't seem to have learned much in the end.

Monday, July 21, 2008

the body will do what it will

it will do what i train it to...

but in the end, what will matter to this world when i leave it, is what my mind and heart can contribute to it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Miss Bingley(s) of the world

will be the same the world over.

yet... people don't learn.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

win or lose

fight to make the world in awe of your spirit.

make them see you. demand it.

then its all worth it.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

ivory tower..

its okay to live in one
just don't ever forget that someon else will stand taller on thier own feet.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

i still believe

in paying it forward, even though the world is obsessed with getting whats due.

I still believe in random acts of kindness, even though the world has come to take them for granted.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


should we get credit for it?

people try, but they don't see why

"He thinks that singing on sunday is gonna save his soul
now that saturday's gone
sometimes he thinks that hes on his way
but I can see
that his brake lights are on"


not to be well read or well traveled....

but have the capacity to think critically and learn from those expereinces

the final leap so often missed when everyone's so preoccupied with being good, and being right when they can't define it.

the world is full of fotunate fools.

"She knows the world is just her stage

And so she'll never misbehave

She gives thanks for what they gave her

Man, they practically made her

Into a mmm

She's the one that stumbles when she talks about

The seven foreign films that she's checked out

Such a fortunate fool

She's just too good to be true

She's such a fortunate fool

She's just so mmm "- Jack Johnson

Thursday, May 15, 2008

on trial

when the spirit is on trial

what is its worth

demonstrate how you live with it in action

Sunday, April 27, 2008

in this box

4 minutes
in this box.

if this was my life
if i only exsited for these 4 minuites, inside this box

how do I live it?

where do I find the motivation?
how do I decide to take action?

I only exsist for these 4 minutes

I only exsist right now

two to tango

really. it takes two.

so why does everyone always write off one person's feelings, when its so vital to the equation?

they have a choice, but its never limited to what we think they are.

cross over

82 years, seems like such a long long time.
in 82 years, and the journey has come to this point.
and yet here I am, somehow where i'm starting is connected with the last of yours.
what forces make it so?
everytime i think about it, it takes my breath away, and I think there was no better time to have met.

"they used to ask me to talk, but they don't like me anymore becasue I stopped talking, its more important to just do it"

where ever I end up, its still some kind of continuation of yours.
so i'll put into it the same kind of life you've given it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

all about you

wow.. some people were all about themselves then, and they're still all about themselves now..

and then there are those that grew into their skin and look like they are rockin' the world they live in now..

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I come from this time

a time of a-mei, a time of wu bai

i don't know who these new kids are. they look nice sure, but you can't hear any soul in what they do.
so I hope I remember to come back to this every now and then

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In persuit of the living spirit...

its what is truly enduring.

To be faced with adversities, and continue to forge on with everything that you possibly have, that, is true courage.

to be solid and immovable in resolve defies what gains your victors take from you.

a perfect score is but a perfect raindrop upon a river rock.

take form me what you will, but it won't feel the same.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


I'm here. I don't need to beat you, just need to let you know I'm here.

The means

there's doing it.

and then there's doing it with style and grace.

turn heads and steal breaths just by being, and its worth so much more.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


as part of the art of humility.


its not common.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

and it comes back

2 years ago I really started to mold myself for this.
and here I am.

I want this. I really do.

Wierd. I spoke with Pace two years go when I first started at Oakalnd. Now he's the GM of the property I need to get into.

Maybe I should let him know that I wouldn't be here had we not spoken that day.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


is in imitation.

the world never stops amusing me.

Saturday, January 12, 2008



already realized.


talk is cheap.

and theres a lot of it out there.

Sunday, January 6, 2008


there is no doubt there is a presence in my life that protects me.

i can feel it.

so many things that happen for me, are not coincidences.
whatever it is, its got a sense of humour too. plays some jokes on me somedays, and i know it. i've learned to laugh with it.

its there, and i'll be reminded never to take it for granted by living as a better person.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


in the end, aren't we all hoping to find something extrodinary?

and still you maybe the only one to never be able to say no